cytoplasmic tail中文什么意思

发音:   用"cytoplasmic tail"造句
  • tail:    n. 1.【法律】限定继嗣;限定继承 ...
  • cytoplasmic:    胞浆的; 细胞质的
  • in tail:    限定继承的
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  1. The nr2b subunit have a long cytoplasmic tail ( 644aa ) , so it predicts that there may be some functional domains in this tail
    Nrzb含有很长的胞内区( 644个氨基酸) ,推测它们很可能存在许多重要的功能区和调节位点。
  2. Catenin binds to the cytoplasmic tail of a transmembrane cell adhesion molecule - epithelial cadherin ( e - cadherin ) in epithelial cells and forms an adhesion complex [ e - cadherin - p - catenin ( or y - catenin ) - cc - catenin ] ( cadherin - catenin - complex , ccc ) , this complex play an important role in maintaining epithelial cell adhesion . some catenins such as - , - and p120ctn catenins are also crucial in cell signaling , they play an important role in cell proliferation and cell apoptosis
    在上皮细胞内,连环蛋白均能与跨膜细胞粘附分子?上皮钙粘蛋白( e - cadherin )的胞内肽段结合而形成了由上皮钙粘蛋白- -连环蛋白( -连环蛋白) - -连环蛋白组成的粘附连接体( adherensjunctions , ajs ) ,这种复合体对维持细胞正常的粘附功能是必需的。


  1. cytoplasmic resistance 什么意思
  2. cytoplasmic sterility 什么意思
  3. cytoplasmic strand 什么意思
  4. cytoplasmic streaming 什么意思
  5. cytoplasmic structure 什么意思
  6. cytoplasmic toxin 什么意思
  7. cytoplasmic tubular aggregate 什么意思
  8. cytoplasmic tubule 什么意思
  9. cytoplasmic variation 什么意思
  10. cytoplasmic vesicle 什么意思



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